Friday, May 22, 2009

let's catch up.

It's been over a month now since I've blogged! Wow, how bad am I? And where has the time gone? Seriously. But let's catch you up on what's been going on since I last blogged. I know you're sitting there thinking, "oh my goodness she loves to ramble, we have to read a whole month's worth of ramblings??" haha. Don't worry, it won't be TOO overwhelming. :P
So anyways. Let's go back to April. We had a few snowfalls in April..yep, that's Colorado for you. And Lydia decided to do a small photo shoot of me in the snow. But the day we were going to do that it rained and washed away most of the snow...darn. But we still went out and took a few pictures while it was drizzling and pretty chilly. So I selected a couple of my favorites for you....

Could I look any shorter next to that lamppost?? hehe

My favorite one.

One weekend in April, my brother Tyra and his family came to visit us for a few days! That was quite fun! My nephew, Brayden was crawling and walking along tables and chairs and had gotten ever so adorable! I love that little guy. It's pretty fun having a little boy in the family. :) We of course played lots of pinochle and just had fun together. They left Wednesday and that Friday we drove to California to see my dear sister, Talia and her family! We were only there for the weekend, way too short of time. But oh was it ever lovely! Each moment was wonderful. And I got to meet my darling niece, Rosalie for the first time!! She is just the sweetest, cutest little thing ever. :) I loved her to pieces. And getting some much needed sister and Auntie time was delightful! I got sick that Sunday afternoon when everyone was over for lunch, which was totally lame and disappointing. But sweet Jason came and spent some time with me in bed, which made it better. And Ashlei brought me flowers! :)
We didn't take nearly as many pictures as we should have. And Talia needs to send me the ones of me with Rosalie(hint hint, sister!), but here are a few...

We had a lovely time chatting outside Starbucks.

Emma and I took pictures in the car. She's pretty cute!

We went to Vons and took a few there too!
And I realized I don't have one with Annabelle and awful is that?? I do love both of them though! I hated having to say goodbye that Monday morning to them all...:( Let's hope our next time together isn't too far down the road!

More recently, like this Tuesday, was dear Lydia's 19th birthday! And as she pointed out to me, I'm a terrible sister and didn't blog about it. So shame on me... but for her birthday, Rebecca and I surprised her by taking her to Mimi's Cafe for breakfast!

The beautiful birthday girl!
They give you cake, even in the morning. It was delicious too. Yum!

sisters. <3 style="text-align: left;">And tomorrow is her birthday party, which I'm sure will be tons of fun! I can't wait to give her the presents we got. :)

And in other exciting a couple weeks I'm going to...drum roll please....
That's right, my first trip off the continent and across the ocean. YAY! I'm going with one of my best friends, Liz and Christopher! Chris has a friend out there so we'll be staying with her and she can show us around. We'll be gone for about two weeks and we plan on seeing some castles, of course, and seeing the bay and who knows what else! I seriously CANNOT WAIT! This next week of work is going to go by so sloooowlyyy. I'll make it somehow. :)
But before I'm able to go I've got some packing to do. We've been trying to move and get our house sold for awhile now and it's finally coming along. The sale on our house closes the 9th of June and we have to be out by the 11th. Wow, not too far away. We're under contract on a house in Northglenn, which is about 25 minutes north of where we live currently. It'll be so nice living up here, being only 5 minutes from work and like 10 from the church. Woot! So we're busy busy busy. So my Memorial Day will be spent packing basically. W've done it several other times, so we're basically experts by now. haha.
And now it's back to work! Have a wonderful weekend, dear bloggers. I hope I didn't get too long and rambly. hehe.

Friday, April 17, 2009

photo tagged

So I was tagged by my dear sister, Talia.

These are the rules:
Take a picture of yourself right now.
No primping or preparing.
Just snap a picture.
Load the picture onto your blog.
Tag some people to play along.

When I first read I was tagged, I was going to take a picture, I swear I was, but I was at work and really had no way. So when I got home, I was able to take one. But I still didn't primp. I look the same way I looked all day basically. That's the good thing about working everyday, my hair and makeup are always done, so no worries about being caught without it. haha.

And now I'm going to tag





Let's see those beautiful faces, girls!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

whatever on a wednesday

So, how cute is my new layout?! And SO me! Polka dots and all the way! I'm kinda in love with it. haha. So thank you Susan for the great link! :)
I'm just working away here at the office. I had my first CAR today, which is a Chiropractic Assistant's Report. Basically just go over office policies and payment plans and such. So that was good.
And I'm so so excited! My bestie, Hannah, asked me to be her maid of honor yesterday so I'm super happy! It's going to be wonderful! :)
And tomorrow it looks like we might get a snow day from work!! They're predicting like 18 inches especially on the I-25 route we take, so that could be cool! We so desperately need snow! And a day off..won't say no to that. hehe.
Anyways short random post, but happy Wednesday people! <3

Monday, March 23, 2009

another one of those catch up posts

I figure it's probably about time for another 'this is what I've been up to" post right? Yeah, probably.
So let's see. What have I been up to? Last weekend I spend a whole bunch of time with Rebecca which was super amounts of fun! She spend the night on Friday and then we had to get up at 5:30 to head to this wellness fair deal with my mom. And let me tell you, that is entirely too early for me. Especially on a Saturday. Sigh. Oh well. At the fair/expo they had these two mascots who cracked me up. They kept coming up and rubbing my head and hugging me and shoving...almost to the point of being annoying, but whatever. lol. So after that Rebecca and I headed down to Castle Rock and went to Applebees where I got ribs, so very tasty and messy. But there's the fun right? :) And then we went to Sonic and got slushies and to the grocery store for lots of candy to sneak into the theater. hehe. We saw Confessions of a Shopaholic! Such a fun girly movie. I loved it. :) So then we headed back to her house where we hung out with Chris and Elizabeth playing games and watching movies and such. I spent the night there and then went to church with them. So that was my weekend last week.
Last week was spent mostly at work. It's been busier with Lydia gone, but kind of fun in a way. I enjoy front desk work. Answering the phone, scheduling, interacting with all the patients. It's kind of neat. But I'll be happy when she's back too, I'm sure. :)
Saturday, Chris and I went for a bike ride, since it had been quite awhile since we had. It ended up being pretty windy most of the way and we rode against the wind, so it was pretty tiring. But we still rode about 13 miles I think we figured it out to be. The ride back though was so much nicer since the wind basically pushed us. But that tired me out. And my butt is kinda sore from sitting on the seat for that long. lol. So it goes. It was fun though!
My dad's been in Canada since Thursday, so our family is pretty small right now. Just the three of us. It's kinda weird actually. haha. But he gets back today, so that'll be good.
Yesterday afternoon Josiah and I spent most of our time watching tv and playing wii. We found this show called My Big Redneck Wedding and oh my goodness, the things these couples do at their weddings are so just wow. Kinda gross, weird, and just plain completely hick. I mean an armadillo cake and a wild donkey chase? Or a boxing ring and mudpit at the reception? Yep, people are crazy. Lol. It was entertaining, honestly. Might make me kinda lame and white trash but whatever. :P And I totally kicked his butt at most of the wii. Like tennis, yeah I'm awesome. hehe. Fun times.
I talked to Chris on the phone last night for like 2 1/2 hours until my phone started buzzing telling me my battery was dying. I really like his voice being the last one I hear before falling asleep. :) He's sweet.
And now I should probably get back to work. Have a wonderful Monday all!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

beautiful baby girl

Yay, I have an adorable new niece! From all the pictures I've seen she's just absolutely gorgeous and perfect. I SO can't wait to meet her and hold her and just love on my new little niece! *sigh* I'm pretty envious of Lydia right now...
How I love her already! What a blessing.
Congratulations to Talia and Jeremy and sweet Emma and Annabelle!
I love them all!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Yeah, it's finally me again

So I've been THE worst blogger lately, my apologies. So let's see what I've been up to in the last few weeks. The last weekend in February we drove down to Phoenix for a Chiropractic seminar. 13 hours in the car between Lydia and Josiah gets a little bit tiring after a while. haha. But they had beautiful weather down there! So Sunday afternoon when we had nothing else to do, Lydia, my mom, and I sat by the pool at the hotel reading and writing. We obviously needed the sun...Lol.
Check out those white legs.....oh my. lol
Last Thursday, some good friends of ours from South Dakota were here so we hung out with them for awhile, which was super fun! They're really quite the wonderful, sweet girls! We were incredibly silly all together and I'm sure many people thought we were ridiculous. Oh well. It was fun getting to spend just some good quality girl time without the boys. I love these girls.

We had lunch at Red Robin! Yum! Very intent on those menus...

The lovely Jenna and myself

Dearest Liz and I

Chris had been sick for a little while last week, so I hadn't seen him for 10 days! But he's feeling much better, so I got to see him last night again! Yay for that! :) I had missed him and his hugs. Because really after being at work all day, I missed coming back to my house and getting to see him and sit next to him while watching American Idol and other tv.
As you know, Lydia is leaving for California today! So while she's gone, I'm the front desk receptionist here at the office. So I'll have extra duties. Busy busy. But it'll be rather weird with her gone I think. We've never been apart for more than a day I think. We're practically inseperable twins. haha. This may be good for us. No, but I'll probably miss her. And let's be honest here, I am jealous of her. Getting to spend two weeks with our lovely sister, Talia and the nieces and especially once the new little one gets here! Sigh. I told Chris and Rebecca that I will have to be spending extra time with them so I don't go crazy.
And that's basically it. Just working everyday, which can have its interesting days and it's good days and its boring days. And this weekend, Rebecca will be spending the night and then we've got a wellness expo to go to Saturday.
And now I have stuff to do, so have a great Thursday!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

valentine's day

Okay, so I may be a little delayed on this post but I just uploaded the pictures this morning(procrastinate much, Jerusha?? lol). So my Valentine's Day was lovely in every way this year! I woke up to do some cleaning before Chris came over and then I put on my Valentiney outfit, including my heart cardigan(people say you shouldn't wear hearts on Valentine's Day because it's as tacky as wearing Christmas sweaters, but I'm like whatever. I like being tacky. Plus it's cute! =]). Chris came over and surprised me with a dozen red roses!! Gorgeous. My first roses too, so even more special. :)

cell phone pic....but still beautiful!

We hadn't decided what we really wanted to do that day. If we wanted to just hang out at my house or go on a date, since it's basically the only day we're really allowed to. So we just hung out for a little while playing pool and watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on tv. Then Chris suggested we go to the Downtown Aquarium since he had been forever and thought it was pretty cool. The restaurant was of course already full, but we decided we might as well go the cheaper route for food, so we decided on Good Times on 16th Street Mall. So we went on a date! Super fun too!! And I have pictures! =]

I loved the neon purple fish. =]

Anemones are so strangely cool.

I've always had a thing for jellyfish...

Touching the rays.

Silly gift store visors. =)

My good pal Sharky! What an original name too. haha.

How adorable is he? :) <3

Delicious cherry custard with cherry-filled heart shaped chocolates! YUM!

Eating the tasty custard at Good Times!

And there you have it! Love my boyfriend and fun dates.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Last night it snowed a couple inches. Big, feathery, fairy land flakes too. Gorgeous. But this morning the sun is shining and there's a bright blue sky! So all the white just sparkles. It's rather lovely. And that's how life is: sparkly. My life may not be perfect in every way, I may have boring days(reason why I haven't blogged in over a week or so) and not so great days, but really all in all, it sparkles. Cheesy maybe, yes, but still. :P
I have a wonderful family, an amazing boyfriend, and I have friends coming to visit soon! I get to see Liz from South Dakota whom I haven't seen since the 4th of July next week!! And then another South Dakota friend in March and then California friends whom I haven't seen in over a year in April!! YAY! :) I'm pretty excited!
Friday, Lydia and I have Kid's Night Out again. We're going to make fun heart sugar cookies! And Saturday is of course Valentine's Day! I don't really have any big plans...I'm not even sure Chris and I are going out then, but he'll definitely be with me and no matter what we do, it will be lovely I'm sure!
Last Saturday, Rebecca came over to hang out which was fun! We went and got Starbucks at the biggest Starbucks out there, I swear. And then we went and chilled at the mall for a little while. I didn't feel that great that day, which sucked....but nonetheless still fun! Although Saturday night I think I got like 4 hours of sleep. I laid in bed for hours not able to fall asleep, so I was rather exhausted Sunday and we had company too. *sigh* so it goes. And that's my life. Sparkly. :)
Anyways, back to work. Happy Wednesday folks!!

Friday, January 30, 2009

weekend activities

So this weekend should be pretty fun. I hopefully get to sleep in tomorrow which we all know is delightful. And then Lydia, my dad, and me are going to see the new horror movie The Uninvited! I'm so ready for a good scary movie. Not to mention a movie in theaters. It's been since July!! since I saw one. Woah, shocking. But it's true. Dark Knight in Imax.

After that Lydia and I have to cook and bake for our carry-in dinner at church on Sunday. Then it's off to an open house at a church member who's moving house. Sunday, we've got church, two services, communion and the dinner. So a long day. But hopefully after Lydia and I get to go up to Greeley to hang out!
Fun weekend!
So do any of you have any fun weekend plans?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Saturday in Breckenridge

Saturday morning, we(my dad and mom, Josiah, Chris and me) drove up to Breckenridge for the day to check out the annual snow sculpture festival! We had been last year and thought it was pretty cool so we decided to go again. It was so very nice up there. It was snowing, but just a light snow and not too overly cold. Lots and lots of people so the drives took much longer than usual, but it was fun! I loved having Christopher along, of course. :) Now for some pictures!

Chris and I in the car.

Fairy snow sculpture.
There were 16 teams from all over the world, China, Switzerland, Bulgaria, and more. They have 65 hours to carve a 22 ton block of manmade snow. Very impressive.

I like the owl.

Roller coaster

This impressed us because it must have taken ages
to carve all the snow from the middle.

Cute little dog all bundled up. haha

CBS 4 news sponsor sculpture.

again. with the others.

Parents at the restaurant.

Art gallery fun.

Sun peeking out.


I loved the hot pink restaurant. hehe
I love wonderful little day trips to the mountains in the winter.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

wednesday=good day

Wednesday is one of our full days at work and sometimes it can get a little bit boring and long but yesterday was actually a pretty lovely day! Over lunch, Lydia and I went and got some extremely yummy delicious ice cream from Coldstone Creamery since it was warm, over 70! and we had a coupon for buy one get one free. Driving down the road listening to one of the best cds like EVER with the sun shining is pretty nice, I must say.

You must love them. =]

After a full day of work, it was home to watch some tv.

Can't have a Wednesday without Idol of course. haha.

And Christopher now has school 4 days a week so I get to see him most of those days! And yesterday was one of those days! :)

Holding hands makes any day a good day. =) <3

Let's hope Thursday is just as wonderful for me and all of you as well! xoxo

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

the little things

These past few days have been rather lovely. Basically it's the little things that get me. The little things that make me smile and brighten my day. Such as:

*Seeing the boyfriend a few hours earlier than expected* Chatting with my sister for her birthday* Late night phone calls with a best friend* Babysitting little girls at church* Starbucks berry chai tea infusion* Writing and reading stories with my sister* Holding hands* Sweet goodnight texts* Waking up to snow outside* Hearing the words "i love you"* Pretty purple fingernails* American Idol premiere tonight* Watching Friends* Weekend plans* Napping in the car* My new green sweater* A cuppycake blog* Laughing at whatever* Inside jokes* Dove chocolates* Tuesday Starbucks chats* A kiss on the forehead* Bubbly Barristas* Dreams* Morning prayers* Not having to eat the same old cereal again* Trying simple computer games and failing* Being teased(this is only sometimes)* Supernatural* The smell of fresh bread* Sunshine* Best friend texts* Wearing warm furry boots to work* Family time* Waking up to a good song* Snuggling under warm blankets on a chilly night* Hugs* Laughing and chatting with patients*Smiles* Having the best of friends, family, and a boyfriend who all love me* :)

Friday, January 9, 2009

five years old

Happy birthday to my sweet Emma Joy!! Your Auntie Jerusha loves you so very much and hopes your 5th birthday is wonderful and that you have such a fun party! :)

wonderful new years with the familia

So, after 7 or so months, I finally got to spend a week with my lovely sister Talia, her husband Jeremy, their two most precious children, and my brother Elijah! And what a week it was too!
While mom and dad and Lydia went off to the airport I had to stay at home and tidy the house up and make the beds and all that. Then I sat waiting quite impatiently, jealous of the others getting to spend the extra time with them in the car. :P They finally got to our house around 1 a.m. and then the hugging and kissing and hellos and "I've missed you"s ensued. We stayed up a little while chatting and all and then bedtime! They took over my room so I camped out on Lydia's floor.
Monday and Tuesday were spent mostly just hanging out and we had work in the afternoons(lame). Wednesday we worked in the morning for only two hours, so that was good. Then it was home to get ready to party! :) We three sisters decided before the festivities began we would go get coffee, so we headed to our nearby Starbucks. It claimed it was open until 6, and we there around 5:30 and it was already closed. The other nearby one was also closed. So we drove around and decided to try this Celtic Tavern that was new. Talia went and looked to make sure it wasn't too bar-y for a pregnant woman and two underage girls. We decided what the heck why not. So we walked in and just stood there looking kind of awkward but this waitress came up and we told her our problem and asked if we could get coffee and hot chocolate and she said no problem. So we found a booth and sat down. It was a pretty cool place and it was very decorated for winter and new years. We got our drinks which were very good. Lydia was debating getting some onion rings but they weren't on the menu so we asked our server about it and she said she could make some. We were like woah. But then our dad called, so Lydia was talking to him and she looked confused/worried. And then Jeremy called Talia and she almost looked concerned too. So our server waited till they were off the phones and we told her we had to go, since we had dinner and everything at home. Now we're pretty sure she thought we had some family emergency or something. So she told us it was all taken care of. On the house. We thought that was way too nice, so Talia tipped her pretty good. Definitely an interesting experience. Then we had to go pick up beer for the people at home, so we headed to a liquor store. So a tavern and a liquor store. Quite the new years eve for a pregnant woman and her two underage sisters. Lol!
So we came home and we three sisters took pictures so Lydia and I could use a couple for Talia's Christmas present. We all wore black tops. But man, did we have the hardest time finding a good spot or way to take the picture. We decided we finally had a good one after some silliness. Of course. :P We had some pizza and waited for the Enochs to get there. Once they arrived we all sat around talking, played some pool and played Catch Phrase. I will never get tired of that game. Such a blast! At 10 we went downstairs and watched the ball drop in NY and toasted with champagne! More Catch Phrase, which definitely got funny with people thinking different things and all. And once Lydia and I were so on the same train of thought. She said something about a weird book I knew immediately what she meant and I was right. Weird sister thing I think. Lol. We hung out doing whatever until midnight when we all toasted and sang Auld Lang Syne. We wanted to wait until 1 so we could toast California as well. So we did, along with random music and videos thanks to Elijah. Chris and Rebecca spent the night so they could go with us to the mountains the next day. So off to bed we all went.
Next morning, all 12 of us piled into the Enochs large van and took off to Evergreen hoping for some snow to play in since we didn't have any down in Denver. They barely had any up there either. But we were not aware that the annual Ice Plunge was going on so we stayed around to watch that for a little while. There were like 100 people who all went separately to jump into the freezing cold water. It was kind of interesting since some people got really into it with their costumes. Others just in their swimsuits. Crazy people. We watched all bundled up in our coats and hats and gloves and scarves and such. The little girls were getting bored so we decided to go find some snow. We drove a little ways and found a nice little patch and the girls were thrilled! They even built an adorable little snowman and made snow angels! So cute. :) We were all getting hungry and some had to pee so we decided to head back to Evergreen to find a place to eat. We found this place called Little Bear which someone said was a family restaurant. Not so much. It was very dark and bar-ish( how you liking my new words?? :P) and they had live music and dozens of bras hanging above the stage. What?!? It was pretty weird. But the music and food were pretty good! After that we headed back home.
Later that night, Tyra and Christine and their two children got here!! Brayden had grown oh so much since we had last seen him. He's seriously the chubbiest little boy. So very adorable with his big smiles! :) Friday was our Christmas! We had brunch, including mamosas(mmm. :)) and then we started our present handing out. After seeing those presents under the tree for the past several weeks just tempting us, we finally got to open them! Yay! hehe. It was really fun watching everyone open all their presents, especially the ones from us. I got some pretty good stuff too! Clothes and movies, a necklace, a game. Out of all our family there were 16 DVDs received and 8 games! Goodness. We had our Christmas dinner later that evening. My very good friends, newly engaged(! :P), Carson and Hannah were in town so they came up for dinner and games. After dinner was birthday time! Since it was Elijah's birthday that day and 4 other family birthdays not too far away, we had delicious cake and presents to unwrap.
Saturday was spent just hanging out at home doing whatever. Poor Lydia was sick on the couch all day. :( Sunday we had church twice and we watched Elf later. I finally got to see it! Very hilarious. Got to love Will Ferrell and his humor.
Early Monday morning, we said goodbye to Elijah and Talia and Jeremy. :( Sad day! I really do hate saying goodbye to family. And how I miss them all.
Back to bed for a little while and then off to work that afternoon. The rest of the time Tyra and family were there was spent mostly playing pinochle, definitely a family favorite, and chilling and we watched Iron Man.
Wednesday morning they all left to head home. :( So now the house seems so very empty and quiet. There are times I actually prefer the chaos and bustle and noise of a full house. Maybe it's because it's full of the people I love dearly.
One of the loveliest weeks and new years! Full of love, laughter, talking, silliness, and wonderful family moments and memories. I had a cold for several days which consisted of a constant runny nose and a very manly sounding voice(lol), but other than that it was amazing! :D
My blog wouldn't let me post pictures for some reason, But Lydia has many on hers! And I'll probably post some later, so Jeremy can be in a few. :P
I hope my relaying of the week wasn't too long and rambly for you all.