Thursday, September 25, 2008

Twenty's Plenty!

My birthday when I turned 20 was over a month ago, but just yesterday I received my present from Talia in the mail. Now, I so love getting mail! Especially packages! And upon opening my present I discovered just how cool this present really was and also why it took over a month for her to send it off. Twenty presents!! All wrapped and numbered with cute/cheesy little rhyming notes. The sweetest gift ever! =) So thank you very much, dear sister!
So now I shall share with you my wonderful gifts and even some little notes.

All numbered from one
to twenty!

one of my favorites. :)

not a rhyme(or a good picture) but it was too cute!
plus as you look at the presents you should be able
to figure out which one went with this.

the card! picked out by darling Emma and Annabelle!
I heard they really loved this one and even played with it some before sending it off.
=) too cute

an adorable little cut off cardigan


cuppycake! you know you think they're super cute.

more candy!

love these super cute notebook and pens

fun rubber gloves! now I'll be ready to clean anytime.

cute stationary is definitely a must

they smell delicious.

sweet frame. now to find a picture of us three sisters.

bees frighten me something terrible usually,
but how can they when they're this cute?

love me some mike and ike's

cute(getting overused perhaps? haha) mini hoody

yay cherries!

lovely floral pen

who doesn't like pretty shirts?

and of course to finish it off, starbucks!
Pretty sweet right?? I love every piece! What a perfectly neat idea for a golden birthday!
I love you, Talia! My dear cuppycake sister. =)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I'm it!...again.

So, here’s the rules and then on to the fun! 1. Link to the person who tagged you 2. Post the rules to your blog 3. Write 6 random things about yourself. 4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them 5. Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog. 6. Let the tagger know when your entry is posted.

I was tagged by Ashlei this time around.

One: I hate cilantro. The smell, the taste. It makes me gag.

Two: I fall asleep almost every night listening to an Angels and Airwaves song, usually The Adventure.

Three: I'm rereading the Anne of Green Gables series for like the 10th time. Those books will never get old to me. They're like kindred spirits. :)

Four: The first movie I ever cried in was Ladder 49. I'm not a big movie crier really. It's more like I tear up. But in that movie, they actually fell.

Five: I once had a dream where I married Steve from Blue's Clues. How's that for random?? Lol.

Six: One of my favorite places is the beach. There's just something about walking barefoot in the sand with the waves lapping at your feet. I so would love to honeymoon in Santa Barbara.

Now, I'm going to break the rules and not tag anyone. My excuse is that I have no one left to tag. Oh well.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Tag! I'm it!

I was tagged by Susan! Thanks!

So, here’s the rules and then on to the fun! 1. Link to the person who tagged you 2. Post the rules to your blog 3. Write 6 random things about yourself. 4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them 5. Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog. 6. Let the tagger know when your entry is posted.

Number one: I may be the lamest 20 year old out there. I have never had my driver's license. In fact I haven't even driven in over 2 years. I had my permit in California and took 2 behind the wheels, but never got to the license point before we moved. Then we thought we were moving again, so I never got it here either. I do currently have my permit, but haven't used it yet. I think my parents are frightened to go driving with me, since I made a few mistakes back when I did drive. I just need more practice and I'll get there eventually...I hope.

Number two: For some reason I never ever wear eyeliner on my eyelid, just below my eye. In fact I never even knew how to put eyeliner on till a couple years ago. Whenever I wanted it, Lydia always did it for me. She's definitely more in key with the fashion, makeup, hair world than I have ever been.

Number three: I am a certified K-Laser technician. Pretty professional sounding, right? Even though, I get to handle a rather expensive piece of equipment, it's really not very hard. A few online classes, safety course, 100 question exam, 4 hour training course, and ta-da! I'm certified! If you're at all interested in what it really is, here's a link.

Number four: Since I'm rather short, okay maybe tiny is a better word, I'm not even 5 feet, I get teased quite regularly about it. By everyone too, it's one of my dad's favorite subjects, my boyfriend teases me, good friends. I'm now the shortest in the family, since my little brother passed me up. Just this year, I was asked by a guy on the plane if I was 11. Thanks so much, man. I get asked if I want a kid's menu all the time at restaurants too. When I tell people how old I really am, they like to argue with me, "No, you're not. You can't be." You're right, sorry, I was mistaken. But actually though, it really doesn't bother me all that much. it used too, my mom claimed I would need therapy for all the teasing my dad does. haha. But being short is sometimes fun. It has it ups and downs. I don't have to worry about wearing too high of heels around my boyfriend. haha Especially since he's a whole foot taller than me. Yep, it works. I use my tip-toes quite often. :)

Number five: I love cherries. And I don't mean just the taste of them, although yes, they are quite delicious. But I mean the look of them, the design. I have cherry printed shirts, necklace, earrings, coin purse, pencils. And someday when I have my own house I want to do my kitchen on cherries. Red cherries with black and white. Kinda retro, don't you think? Black and white checkered tiled floor, with red accents. My mom even has some cherry printed dishes she plans on giving me as wedding gifts. I just think they're so cute and fun!

Number six: I absolutely can't stand Sheryl Crow. Whenever a song of hers comes on the radio, I seriously moan and have got to change it. When I'm in a public place where I have no control of what music is on and one of her songs come on, I practically go nuts. Don't ask me why, it's just the way it is. Even the look of her annoys me. No offense, to anyone who's a big fan.

Now on to tagging others. I need to get more bloggers I think, Lydia still stole everyone to tag.
So I'll just tag Jeremy, since he hasn't written a blog in a while and I'm sure he can come up with something interesting. And Raymond, since he's new! And whoever else reads this who hasn't been tagged, you're tagged!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

5K: the story.

You all know that I participated in a 5K, so now you get to hear how it went!

Here's our team! I think I need to get better running shirts, otherwise Aeropostale will have to start paying me for advertising. :P
So we arrived at the golf course where it was taking place, got all registered and were given our numbers and chips. My mom, Lydia, and Josiah had numbers all together, 73, 74, and 75. There I was with 180. What's the deal there? The race didn't start for another hour and a half, so we just sat around talking to people my mom knew from the Chamber. It was definitely interesting watching the 250 or so people show up, quite the interesting bunch. Is it just me or does anyone else think the rat-tail hairstyle or the style with the thick mohawk is super ugly?? The number of young boys I've seen lately with those...yuck. But anyways. The Chick-Fil-A cow was walking around having a good time with everyone, so that was rather entertaining. The weather was perfect! Not hot, and too chilly either. The clouds were looking a little threatening but it only started misting afterwards.
Everyone started getting lined up at the starting line, which also happened to be the finish line too. The gun went off and we were all off! The beginning was rather awkward because everyone was right there all trying to start their own pace, I was afraid I was going to get trampled there. But then once we all got out onto the course, it was all good. Lydia had asked if I would stay with her the whole time since she didn't want to run the whole time. But I like to run, so off I went at my own pace. Sorry, Lydia!
I started out by just jogging slowly and Josiah was right next to me for a little while, until he started huffing and puffing quite a bit, so I told him to slow down a little and keep at a slower pace since we still had a ways to go. So he dropped back and I kept going. We ran along the back nine of the golf course, which went up and down and had some hairpin turns. We were on pavement most of the time, except for the time we ran on grass, which definitely is different.
They had water stations at a few points where volunteers (those are people that help, right, Lydia? haha) would hand out water. Drinking while running is rather difficult, I tell you. A few people definitely sloshed all over themselves. Haha. I was running with the same group of people the majority of time. There were like 3 boys around 13 with me, which made me feel a little bad. But then I figured that they were probably in sports at school that required more physical stuff that I ever did. Just trying to make myself feel better you know. :P
Once in a while I had to slow down and just walk so I could breathe better. We go on 3 mile walks regularly, but running that is just a little bit different. We were getting close to the parking lot where the finish line was and I was thinking, "Alright! the end! " So not the case, we had to turn and run for quite a bit more, on grass now. Shoot. But since we were nearing the end, people were all along cheering you on. But being that close to the building and parking lot had it's downfalls too, all the food was being prepared and boy, did it smell amazing! Tempting rather. Just taunting you the whole way.
I finally turned the last corner! Some people just walked into the finish line, but I wanted to keep going strong even to the last little bit. I ran through, camera flashed, chip beeped, and I came to a halt. All I wanted was to sit down and get some cold water. They had a whole cooler full of water bottles, so I grabbed one and went to get my goodie bag and sit down and wait for the rest of my team to arrive.
Next after me was Josiah, 7 minutes afterward. Then came Lydia, 10 minutes after me. And a little bit later comes Mom running to the finish line. We three start cheering her on for the last little bit. We're all hungry and ready to go get some of that delicious smelling food. So we head inside with our sore legs and throats. We headed over to the Outback booth, got a plate of meat and salad and Lydia and I went to find a empty space at the tables. We were checking out our freebies and eating. We got some good stuff, tshirt, water bottle, pedometer, keychain screwdriver set, other drinks and energy bars, coupons, and other random stuff.
I went to grab some strawberry shortcake, which was very tasty! And I made Lydia come with me to get some chips. So I made her miss receiving her medal. My bad! But yes, Lydia received a medal in her age group! Second place in the 19 and under girls. Too bad it wasn't a few weeks earlier, so I could've been in that age group too! I so could have won first place. I knew there would be disadvantages to no longer being a teen. Kidding. But go Lydia! We watche everyone else receive their prizes. The first place overall woman was just 9 minutes ahead of me! The overall winner ran it in just 16 minutes! How crazy is that?! As for me, I was in 37th place of the women, out of about 100. 31 minutes was my time! I was not terribly disappointed with that. :)
We hung around for a little while longer for the door prizes. No wins there for us. It was after 9, so we decided it was high time to head home to just relax.
And there you have it! Sorry I'm not the best writer in the world, but I did use paragraphs this time! Just for you, Jeremy! :) And it's tough to take pictures while running, so that was the single one we got.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


I'm participating in my first marathon! This evening, my mom and two siblings and me are going as a team to the Metro North Chamber's 5K run/walk.

We'll see how it goes. I'm not expecting to win any prizes at all, but hey, it's fun! And I'm looking forward to all the good free food afterwards! :) I mean come on who can resist Outback Steakhouse?? Not I.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Party pictures!

So my birthday party was pretty fabulous! And I shall show you through pictures, over a week later. =]
Many people say I look like Miley Cyrus,
so I got a picture of her that said Jerusha, Secret Star.
There were actually people who thought I was being given a picture of myself.

ready to open presents! (note the cake and lovely flowers)

Supernatural!! Best tv show ever!

How me can we get? :)

Yes, I received a sock monkey

Me on the new bike! We go well together, right?

Chris and I

Playing some bocce ball, in the rain.


Hannah, Chelsea, me, and Aaron

Piled on the chair! =]

So yes, quite the excellent party!