Monday, September 15, 2008

Tag! I'm it!

I was tagged by Susan! Thanks!

So, here’s the rules and then on to the fun! 1. Link to the person who tagged you 2. Post the rules to your blog 3. Write 6 random things about yourself. 4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them 5. Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog. 6. Let the tagger know when your entry is posted.

Number one: I may be the lamest 20 year old out there. I have never had my driver's license. In fact I haven't even driven in over 2 years. I had my permit in California and took 2 behind the wheels, but never got to the license point before we moved. Then we thought we were moving again, so I never got it here either. I do currently have my permit, but haven't used it yet. I think my parents are frightened to go driving with me, since I made a few mistakes back when I did drive. I just need more practice and I'll get there eventually...I hope.

Number two: For some reason I never ever wear eyeliner on my eyelid, just below my eye. In fact I never even knew how to put eyeliner on till a couple years ago. Whenever I wanted it, Lydia always did it for me. She's definitely more in key with the fashion, makeup, hair world than I have ever been.

Number three: I am a certified K-Laser technician. Pretty professional sounding, right? Even though, I get to handle a rather expensive piece of equipment, it's really not very hard. A few online classes, safety course, 100 question exam, 4 hour training course, and ta-da! I'm certified! If you're at all interested in what it really is, here's a link.

Number four: Since I'm rather short, okay maybe tiny is a better word, I'm not even 5 feet, I get teased quite regularly about it. By everyone too, it's one of my dad's favorite subjects, my boyfriend teases me, good friends. I'm now the shortest in the family, since my little brother passed me up. Just this year, I was asked by a guy on the plane if I was 11. Thanks so much, man. I get asked if I want a kid's menu all the time at restaurants too. When I tell people how old I really am, they like to argue with me, "No, you're not. You can't be." You're right, sorry, I was mistaken. But actually though, it really doesn't bother me all that much. it used too, my mom claimed I would need therapy for all the teasing my dad does. haha. But being short is sometimes fun. It has it ups and downs. I don't have to worry about wearing too high of heels around my boyfriend. haha Especially since he's a whole foot taller than me. Yep, it works. I use my tip-toes quite often. :)

Number five: I love cherries. And I don't mean just the taste of them, although yes, they are quite delicious. But I mean the look of them, the design. I have cherry printed shirts, necklace, earrings, coin purse, pencils. And someday when I have my own house I want to do my kitchen on cherries. Red cherries with black and white. Kinda retro, don't you think? Black and white checkered tiled floor, with red accents. My mom even has some cherry printed dishes she plans on giving me as wedding gifts. I just think they're so cute and fun!

Number six: I absolutely can't stand Sheryl Crow. Whenever a song of hers comes on the radio, I seriously moan and have got to change it. When I'm in a public place where I have no control of what music is on and one of her songs come on, I practically go nuts. Don't ask me why, it's just the way it is. Even the look of her annoys me. No offense, to anyone who's a big fan.

Now on to tagging others. I need to get more bloggers I think, Lydia still stole everyone to tag.
So I'll just tag Jeremy, since he hasn't written a blog in a while and I'm sure he can come up with something interesting. And Raymond, since he's new! And whoever else reads this who hasn't been tagged, you're tagged!


*CPA* Su said...

YAY!! Look at how "johnny-on-the-spot" you and your sis are!! (That is the right saying, right??) Anyways, excellent job! I only have 2 words for you...DRIVERS LICENSE! HA!! Only kidding!

And my stepdaughter does the same thing with her eyeliner...and she has to have me apply it to the top lid if she ever wants to wear it there. You ladies are silly I tell you!

Glad I got to know you just a wee bit better!

Talia said...

this was funny to read... you're awfully cute. :)

and don't worry, one day you'll be able to drive!!! I'll be 25 next year, then I'LL take you driving. hehe