Thursday, September 25, 2008

Twenty's Plenty!

My birthday when I turned 20 was over a month ago, but just yesterday I received my present from Talia in the mail. Now, I so love getting mail! Especially packages! And upon opening my present I discovered just how cool this present really was and also why it took over a month for her to send it off. Twenty presents!! All wrapped and numbered with cute/cheesy little rhyming notes. The sweetest gift ever! =) So thank you very much, dear sister!
So now I shall share with you my wonderful gifts and even some little notes.

All numbered from one
to twenty!

one of my favorites. :)

not a rhyme(or a good picture) but it was too cute!
plus as you look at the presents you should be able
to figure out which one went with this.

the card! picked out by darling Emma and Annabelle!
I heard they really loved this one and even played with it some before sending it off.
=) too cute

an adorable little cut off cardigan


cuppycake! you know you think they're super cute.

more candy!

love these super cute notebook and pens

fun rubber gloves! now I'll be ready to clean anytime.

cute stationary is definitely a must

they smell delicious.

sweet frame. now to find a picture of us three sisters.

bees frighten me something terrible usually,
but how can they when they're this cute?

love me some mike and ike's

cute(getting overused perhaps? haha) mini hoody

yay cherries!

lovely floral pen

who doesn't like pretty shirts?

and of course to finish it off, starbucks!
Pretty sweet right?? I love every piece! What a perfectly neat idea for a golden birthday!
I love you, Talia! My dear cuppycake sister. =)


*CPA* Su said...

That is so cute and sweet! She is soooo stinking creative!! =) Too fun!

Talia said...

Aw, what a sweet little post!! I love you too, cuppycake. :)

I am so glad you loved your present so much, and I hope you know how much I LOVED picking everything out for you. It was truly delightful. You deserve it all!

Now I am already excited for Lydia's birthday :)

Unknown said...

Wow how fun and adorable!! What a great birthday present!

Sunny said...

That is such a great idea for a birthday present! Too cute. Looks like you got some awesome things!