Monday, March 23, 2009

another one of those catch up posts

I figure it's probably about time for another 'this is what I've been up to" post right? Yeah, probably.
So let's see. What have I been up to? Last weekend I spend a whole bunch of time with Rebecca which was super amounts of fun! She spend the night on Friday and then we had to get up at 5:30 to head to this wellness fair deal with my mom. And let me tell you, that is entirely too early for me. Especially on a Saturday. Sigh. Oh well. At the fair/expo they had these two mascots who cracked me up. They kept coming up and rubbing my head and hugging me and shoving...almost to the point of being annoying, but whatever. lol. So after that Rebecca and I headed down to Castle Rock and went to Applebees where I got ribs, so very tasty and messy. But there's the fun right? :) And then we went to Sonic and got slushies and to the grocery store for lots of candy to sneak into the theater. hehe. We saw Confessions of a Shopaholic! Such a fun girly movie. I loved it. :) So then we headed back to her house where we hung out with Chris and Elizabeth playing games and watching movies and such. I spent the night there and then went to church with them. So that was my weekend last week.
Last week was spent mostly at work. It's been busier with Lydia gone, but kind of fun in a way. I enjoy front desk work. Answering the phone, scheduling, interacting with all the patients. It's kind of neat. But I'll be happy when she's back too, I'm sure. :)
Saturday, Chris and I went for a bike ride, since it had been quite awhile since we had. It ended up being pretty windy most of the way and we rode against the wind, so it was pretty tiring. But we still rode about 13 miles I think we figured it out to be. The ride back though was so much nicer since the wind basically pushed us. But that tired me out. And my butt is kinda sore from sitting on the seat for that long. lol. So it goes. It was fun though!
My dad's been in Canada since Thursday, so our family is pretty small right now. Just the three of us. It's kinda weird actually. haha. But he gets back today, so that'll be good.
Yesterday afternoon Josiah and I spent most of our time watching tv and playing wii. We found this show called My Big Redneck Wedding and oh my goodness, the things these couples do at their weddings are so just wow. Kinda gross, weird, and just plain completely hick. I mean an armadillo cake and a wild donkey chase? Or a boxing ring and mudpit at the reception? Yep, people are crazy. Lol. It was entertaining, honestly. Might make me kinda lame and white trash but whatever. :P And I totally kicked his butt at most of the wii. Like tennis, yeah I'm awesome. hehe. Fun times.
I talked to Chris on the phone last night for like 2 1/2 hours until my phone started buzzing telling me my battery was dying. I really like his voice being the last one I hear before falling asleep. :) He's sweet.
And now I should probably get back to work. Have a wonderful Monday all!

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