Thursday, March 12, 2009

Yeah, it's finally me again

So I've been THE worst blogger lately, my apologies. So let's see what I've been up to in the last few weeks. The last weekend in February we drove down to Phoenix for a Chiropractic seminar. 13 hours in the car between Lydia and Josiah gets a little bit tiring after a while. haha. But they had beautiful weather down there! So Sunday afternoon when we had nothing else to do, Lydia, my mom, and I sat by the pool at the hotel reading and writing. We obviously needed the sun...Lol.
Check out those white legs.....oh my. lol
Last Thursday, some good friends of ours from South Dakota were here so we hung out with them for awhile, which was super fun! They're really quite the wonderful, sweet girls! We were incredibly silly all together and I'm sure many people thought we were ridiculous. Oh well. It was fun getting to spend just some good quality girl time without the boys. I love these girls.

We had lunch at Red Robin! Yum! Very intent on those menus...

The lovely Jenna and myself

Dearest Liz and I

Chris had been sick for a little while last week, so I hadn't seen him for 10 days! But he's feeling much better, so I got to see him last night again! Yay for that! :) I had missed him and his hugs. Because really after being at work all day, I missed coming back to my house and getting to see him and sit next to him while watching American Idol and other tv.
As you know, Lydia is leaving for California today! So while she's gone, I'm the front desk receptionist here at the office. So I'll have extra duties. Busy busy. But it'll be rather weird with her gone I think. We've never been apart for more than a day I think. We're practically inseperable twins. haha. This may be good for us. No, but I'll probably miss her. And let's be honest here, I am jealous of her. Getting to spend two weeks with our lovely sister, Talia and the nieces and especially once the new little one gets here! Sigh. I told Chris and Rebecca that I will have to be spending extra time with them so I don't go crazy.
And that's basically it. Just working everyday, which can have its interesting days and it's good days and its boring days. And this weekend, Rebecca will be spending the night and then we've got a wellness expo to go to Saturday.
And now I have stuff to do, so have a great Thursday!

1 comment:

Talia said...

so is it totally lame that I am in love with that yellow fence by the pool and kind of want one like it?? :) You girls looks so cute-- and so relaxed!

Aw, I am so glad you got to have such a wonderful time with Liz and Jenna. There's nothing like girly time.

and hooray for some time with the boy too!!

I'm so torn right now, because I am of course just SO THRILLED that Lydia is almost here, but at the same time I'm so sad that you're NOT. :(
but soon, sister love, soon...