Tuesday, October 21, 2008

walk in the park

Saturday morning we had a house showing and it was rather warm for this time of year, so we all went for a nice walk in the park near our house. It's such a beautiful park too with bridges and a river and walkways and trees and even a little railroad that runs in the summertime. My dad had his camera along so I'll share a few pictures!

trying to balance on the tracks
(note Lydia texting, but of course. haha)

My dad's idea. Lydia victorius!
Now to photoshop a train with smoke pouring out in the distance getting closer each minute while Lydia won't let me up so I meet my sad demise.
We tend to be a bit goofy as a family. =]


*CPA* Su said...

You chicas are CRAZY for playing on the train tracks! LOL!! Sorry, I'm a bigg-o chicken! =) Great pics! Where are you moving to?

Jerusha Abigail said...

haha, funny. the little miniature train that runs there is only during the summertime, so there's no fear of a train coming along, don't worry!!
we'll be moving like a half hour north to where our clinic and church and everything is...

Unknown said...

You guys are too adorable! LOVE the first one. It's so awesome.