Tuesday, October 14, 2008

one rainy weekend

Saturday morning Lydia decided that the two of us should go for a bike ride. Now it was about 37 degrees out and rather drizzly too, but we decided to brave that and go for it anyways! So we bundled up in a few sweatshirts, gloves, scarves, and helmets and headed out. Me on my nice new bike and Lydia on this old school one Josiah uses, where the seat has absolutely no cushioning at all. So we ride, wind whipping in our faces and I thought that maybe I should have put on a hat, but where's the fun in that? We have quite the lovely bike paths near our house that run the right next to the Platte River and especially now that we have fall colors it's pretty! So partway Lydia decides we should trade bikes for a little while so her butt can have a rest. haha. I must tell you, I so prefer my bike with it's straight handlebars, none of those weird curvy ones for me thanks, and my cushy seat. Man, I'm spoiled. :)
After riding for close to an hour, we decide we should go back home since our mom was leaving and she wanted us to get stuff done. She gave us some baking to do! Perfect activity for a chilly, wet Saturday I think. So we made three kinds of bread! Applesauce with streusal, Apricot-banana quick bread, and Blueberry! They all turned out quite fabulously! Even though for two of the breads as Lydia was pouring the batter in the pans, I just looked at her and was like, "Did you spray those first?" And she hadn't. So she had to pour the batter back in the bowl and spray and then start again. And she did that twice! It was pretty funny. And then we made brownies too!
So baking while listening to Mcfly, Metro Station, and Michael Buble(what's with the letter M?) is quite a delightful Saturday activity!
Sunday was another chilly, rather misty, dreary day. We had church and then it was my day to teach Sunday School for the first time. Since we have a small church and not very many kids, we only have one class. So kids from 5-14 in one class. Which definitely makes it tricky. So I taught on Ruth 1 and had printed out activitie sheets before with word searches and coloring pages and crossword puzzles, which totally helped out. So it was a pretty good class, I think.
After church, we were the host family, so the visitors came to our house for lunch. A Canadian couple and this other guy from Boulder. Very friendly, nice people, so that was neat. Then it was back to church again!
Sunday evening two of our good friends came over to hang out! Our friend from South Dakota, Jenna was in the town and we were really hoping we would be able to see her while she was here, so her boyfriend Aaron, who we've been good friends with for like 12 years brought her down! So we just played games like Sorry and Ticket to Ride and ate and laughed and just had fun. Aaron and I were on teams for both games and we got our butt kicked both times. So that was sad. But okay, peanut butter melted with chocolate with popcorn and pretzels to dip in is amazing! Which probably contributed to our goofiness with all that sugar. Lol. Oh and the week before had been Jenna's birthday so Lydia and I were able to give her her presents then too. She likes Hoops and Yoyo, so I had found this giant singing card with them and it was pretty funny. So we quoted the card all night and probably played it about 20 times.
So it was a pretty spectacular weekend I'd say!


chris said...

does the 'posted by' time - er, i don't know how to ask the question i want to ask from that starting point. lemme try again.
is the 'posted by' time the time that you started writing it? or the time that you clicked submit, or whatever?
cause it totally wasn't posted at 11 30, but it's not 12 30 yet so it shouldn't be a timezone issue..

*CPA* Su said...

Tell poor Lydia that I do that same thing when I'm cooking/baking ALL the time! And Missy, where are all of these yummy recipes??? I know that since you're Talia's sister that your recipes MUST be as good as her's. She has not steered me wrong yet! =)

Talia said...

I can answer Chris' question! Wow, I feel so smart... :)

The "posted" time is when she started writing it. You can change the time though, if you want. Say I start writing a post one day and can't finish it till the next. I'll have to change the date and time, or it will still show yesterday's "posting" time.

ANYWAY.. what a fantastic weekend!! I'm a bit envious of your bike ride in the rain, and how I wish I was there to bake with you girls and listen to music. That sounds delightful.