Monday, November 17, 2008

week in a nutshell

I'm not sure why I haven't blogged in a week. Maybe because I haven't done or thought anything worth blogging about. So, way to go, Jerusha.
My usual week goes something like this: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, work from 10-6:30 and come home and just laze around watching tv or a movie. Tuesday and Thursday, work from 2-6:30 and Chris comes up and we hang out till he leaves around midnightish.
It's a very exciting life I lead, I hope you see. Although Tuesday, we have to come up earlier because my mom has a meeting deal so then Lydia and I sit at Starbucks until she's through with that. Mmm, Peppermint Mocha! This last week we were writing our Christmas gift giving list. We have a whole ton of people to give to, since we've got like a family of 14 and then several friends and then I've got the boyfriend. We usually give gifts together, because for one thing it's cheaper(yeah, sorry) and it's also easier and sometimes more fun. It works and no one has complained yet. :P So, yeah. Wednesday, the guys had catechism, so the girls went home and watched Moulin Rouge. So one of my favorite movies! The music is amazing.
Friday, I didn't feel well most of the day, so work wasn't too much fun. Went home, watched Made of Honor, and fell asleep on the couch. Kinda sucked I didn't feel well, since Rebecca spent the night and I didn't get(more like want) to partake in the sleepoever activities. So I slept in Saturday and woke up feeling much better so I was able to go shopping with everyone. Headed to the mall and Lydia and I helped pick out clothes for Josiah so he's somewhat stylish and in longer pants. haha. Went to Aeropostale and Payless where I broke the tenth commandment many a time I'm pretty sure. I just like cute sweaters and shirts and shoes. Can ya blame me? I made cheesecake for guests on Sunday, which turned out super delicious. I'll be posting pictures and possibly a recipe later.
Sunday was church and since we were host family we had guests for lunch. More came than we thought we had invited, which was pretty funny and confusing for a little while. But it turned out just fine. Church a second time and then we had Bible study on Isaiah 2-3. It was a really good study, talking about pride and being thankful and the adornments of women. Then we came home again and chilled and watched our weekly Supernatural episode. Love those Winchesters.
There's the week. Kinda rambly and boring, forgive me.
Oh! This Friday through Monday, the family is headed down to Phoenix for a seminar. So a little getaway should be kinda fun. Road trip and then visiting some relatives down there as well. So I'm excited for that.
Alright, happy Monday all! <3


*CPA* Su said...

OHHH-have fun in AZ! And peppermint mochas...Y.U.M.!!

Talia said...

please post your cheesecake recipe, I want it. K, thanks :)
I'm sorry you were sick :( poor seester!!