Friday, November 7, 2008

i love me a surprise

Alright, so I have the sweetest boyfriend ever I'm pretty sure! And I'll tell you why. =)
So Thursday is one of the days I usually get to see him, but yesterday my mom, Lydia, and me had a Ladies' Night Out event to attend, so I didn't get to see him. He was just going to go home instead of coming up to the office or to our house.Well, last night I'm ready to head to bed and I'm flipping back my covers and notice a piece of paper. I'm like, "Hmm, that wasn't there this morning when I made my bed." Then I notice that the writing on it looks alot like Chris's! And quick note, his handwriting cracks me up. I've had to learn to decipher it because it's almost non-readable. (You know I like it, Chris. <3) So I start reading it and am almost through it when he calls me! I was so excited to tell him that I had found his letter! It was such a sweet letter too. I get to the last paragraph and it tells me to look in my pillowcase! So I do, and what do I find but a present!! :D This to be exact:

Bad quality picture, but you can still see it pretty well. Lovely, right? I was so thrilled! Just an out of the blue present for me! :)
And he tells me he never entered our house since no one was home at the time. And I thought maybe he left Josiah a note to put it in my bed, but that's no the case either. So I'm going with the idea that there is a surprise fairy who took care of it! haha
Anyways, I am of course wearing it today!
See, what a wonderful boyfriend that Christopher is?! I certainly think so. :)
So thanks so much, babe! Love you! <3


Ashlei Paige said...

awww that is so stinkin' sweet. what a lovely little surprise!

*CPA* Su said...

AWWWWWWWW-he is adorable!!! What a great gift and an even better presentation of it! Keep him! =)

Talia said...

so sweet!! I'm glad he's treatin' you right, sister. :) He is a good boyfriend indeed.
I love when you blog about you two, since I'm not there to see you as a couple really. I feel like I get a little peek into that part of your life!