Monday, December 22, 2008


As I'm laying in bed the other night drifting off to the music of Secondhand Serenade my mind is running over the last few days and the days to come. This time of year is always so wonderful and amazing to me. To some it may be stressful trying to get everything ready by Christmas day, all the presents wrapped and bought and all the food cooked and the house all decorated and cards sent out and whatever else comes with it. To me though, even with all the bustle, it's a time of peace. Saturday night we went and heard the beautiful music of Handel's Messiah and I must say it was amazing. Such great voices and instruments. And the words. Always so wonderful. And my dad's sermons lately have been so wonderful and comforting too. And when the snow is falling softly on everything with the Christmas lights twinkling underneath in the dark, the peace is there too. And I know we can only have true peace through our Lord, which we should remember all the year but this time of year it's manifested even more.

"For to us a child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulders.
And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. " Isaiah 9:6


Talia said...

I love Handel's Messiah too! It just sums up Christmas.

lovely little post, my dear. I'm glad you're finding the peace in this holiday season!

*CPA* Su said...

Amen!! Such peace can be found in Him! AHHH, it's so comforting to know we are all in His hands! Merry CHRISTmas my Dear Bloggy Buddy and Sister in Christ! =)